Let’s be different this Christmas season. (yes, the commercials are already starting…)
As a college student, I am completely aware of how hard it is to do anything that actually feels like we’re making a difference. We don’t have a lot of money, and we’re at college to get a degree, so realistically school work takes up a lot of our time.
But as Christians, it doesn’t matter whether we’re college students, busy, or don’t have a lot of money – we are still called to be holy, or “set apart” for Christ. That means we should look DIFFERENT from the rest of our culture. Not only by our words should His love and salvation be proclaimed, but in our every action and in our very lifestyles His Gospel should be seen. Even in our self-centered, money-driven, materialistic culture, we are called to live a life that is instead focused on Christ and His purposes, on living selflessly for others, in living simply and giving more. We are called to become like Christ and live out the grace we have received from Him. As a college student living in this culture, I have wrestled with how to do that. And God has shown me that it is so much more often about the little things than the big: how I talk to people, what I spend my money on in the day to day, my priorities. And this upcoming Christmas season we have a chance to live differently for Christ in the little things.
We have a chance to make Christmas what it is really about again: not a holiday to celebrate how much money we have and how many presents we can give, but rather a holiday to celebrate Love coming to earth, salvation incarnate, Grace born in human flesh, the embodiment of a merciful God. So this Christmas, please join myself and others in the Advent Conspiracy (watch this awesome video at www.adventconspiracy.org). Give up the money you would spend on just ONE family member or friend (just one, although if you feel led, please do more!) and spend TIME with that person instead. Have a conversation with them, hang out with them, show them LOVE. Then take that money and BE the Church. Give it to a person, a cause, a place that truly needs it this Christmas. Live out the Gospel – sacrifice something in yourself and in your life to give to another. Through this, who knows how many will be able to see Christ through your actions and hear about Him through your words.
Many of us will be donating our money to strengthen the fight against human trafficking, and if you wish to join us in that, facebook me or go to www.ijm.org and donate your money there! But if there is another person or cause that you are passionate about, give your money there. But make sure you’re not just giving away money – change something in YOUR lifestyle this Christmas season! Spend time with that family member you haven’t really talked to in years, or that friend that hurt your feelings a while ago, or that brother that is going through a really hard time right now. Show CHRIST this season.
Then come join us on Wednesday, November 18 at 7 pm in Jepson 100 at the University of Mary Washington and help us spread this revolution! Join the Justice Team of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship as we show IJM’s new documentary, “At the End of Slavery,” and work to raise awareness about human trafficking! There will be a guest speaker from IJM who will be talking about the issue after the documentary and leading a discussion time, and then we’ll have the opportunity to write to our senators and ask them to join us in fighting human trafficking. We will also be asking everyone to join us in living more simply this Christmas season and donating some of the money that they would have spent on presents to IJM! We’ll also have a chance to talk about the hope we can have in Christ despite human trafficking and other evils that exist in this world. So come help us be the hands and feet of Christ as we show His love and hope! Let’s live like HIM this season.
And who knows how this may carry on after Christmas? Maybe instead of spending that $10 a week at Starbucks (I am speaking directly to myself here…) we could give it to that human rights group we’ve always wanted to be able to support or a friend going through a really hard time. Maybe when you go buy groceries every week, spend an extra $5 on food that you donate to the homeless shelter every week. It is the little lifestyle changes sometimes that do the most to change our hearts and the world….
Live differently. Love because Christ has loved us and given His life for us. Let’s be moved to ACTION by His GRACE.
“We love because He first loved us.”
-1 John 4:19
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Live It Out
just wanted to share two great examples of people living out the faith God has called us to. The first is a pastor named Genesis from Cameroon who truly lives out the Gospel in every area of his life - beyond the four walls of the church building, he shares the love of Christ through priding clean water for his town, job opportunities, and computer training, among other things. check out his website: http://cfs.hintonline.org/
the second is International Justice Mission, an organization that believes God's heart for justice is a central part of the Gispel and live out this belief by working to redeem this world. it's amazing what the love of Christ can do:
read these and be encouraged. God is MIGHTY to save and wants to use us to help show that!
"The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save." - Zephaniah 3:17
the second is International Justice Mission, an organization that believes God's heart for justice is a central part of the Gispel and live out this belief by working to redeem this world. it's amazing what the love of Christ can do:
read these and be encouraged. God is MIGHTY to save and wants to use us to help show that!
"The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save." - Zephaniah 3:17
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Interesting thoughts on the abortion issue....a more creative solution....
Jim Wallis Supports Common Ground Measures on Abortion Debate
WASHINGTON, DC – July 23, 2009 — Rev. Jim Wallis, progressive evangelical leader, author of The Great Awakening and president of Sojourners, the largest network of progressive Christians in the United States, issued the following statement outlining his support for Reps. Rosa DeLauro and Tim Ryan’s “Preventing Unintended Pregnancies, Reducing the Need for Abortion and Supporting Parents Act.” Wallis also commented on the issue of federal funding of abortion within the current proposed healthcare reform.
Rev. Jim Wallis Statement:
In a nation as prosperous as ours, all Americans should have access to quality, affordable health care. Reasonable people may differ on how best to accomplish this goal, and I welcome a rigorous policy debate about it, but it should be a moral priority for all of us. We must work together to find common ground that will provide quality, affordable health care to all Americans.
At this point in the debate, abortion should not become a wedge issue that could doom the chances of any legislation passing. For too long, abortion has been a contentious and ultimately divisive debate between simplified and polarizing positions of “life” and “choice.” A far better approach is to advance a common ground dialogue with both sides that results in real solutions.
Federal funding of abortions is prohibited by current law, and that prohibition should be maintained. Any final legislation should make clear that no private insurance company will be mandated to pay for an abortion, nor should they be prohibited from paying for an abortion. These provisions would maintain the current status quo, and demonstrate how sensible common ground can bring people together.
On the issue of abortion itself, Rep. Rosa DeLauro and Tim Ryan’s “Preventing Unintended Pregnancies, Reducing the Need for Abortion and Supporting Parents Act” addresses both how best to prevent unwanted pregnancies and support pregnant women who desire to carry their baby to term. It also makes adoption easier. The bill demonstrates how searching for common ground can lead to higher ground, in ways that both sides of the debate can embrace without compromising their core principles.. It could lead to genuine progress in reducing the number of abortions and improving the quality of life for women and children --all by addressing the real issues that often lead to abortion. Abortion is legal in the United States, and although Americans are divided on its moral status, most feel the tragedy of abortion and believe that we currently have far too many for a healthy society.
Tim Ryan and Rosa DeLauro are wise public servants who are trying to unite us around the new common ground of abortion reduction, one that people on both sides of the debate can agree to. Helping young people to delay sexual activity, preventing the pregnancies that people don't want, economically supporting low-income women to give them a real choice about having a child, and encouraging adoption will all work to reduce abortion in America; and who could be against any of that?
We have a great opportunity to advance our shared values and common goals at a crucial moment in our country’s history. Sojourners and I strongly support this good and wise piece of legislation and applaud the creative solutions it offers for real action.
Jim Wallis Supports Common Ground Measures on Abortion Debate
WASHINGTON, DC – July 23, 2009 — Rev. Jim Wallis, progressive evangelical leader, author of The Great Awakening and president of Sojourners, the largest network of progressive Christians in the United States, issued the following statement outlining his support for Reps. Rosa DeLauro and Tim Ryan’s “Preventing Unintended Pregnancies, Reducing the Need for Abortion and Supporting Parents Act.” Wallis also commented on the issue of federal funding of abortion within the current proposed healthcare reform.
Rev. Jim Wallis Statement:
In a nation as prosperous as ours, all Americans should have access to quality, affordable health care. Reasonable people may differ on how best to accomplish this goal, and I welcome a rigorous policy debate about it, but it should be a moral priority for all of us. We must work together to find common ground that will provide quality, affordable health care to all Americans.
At this point in the debate, abortion should not become a wedge issue that could doom the chances of any legislation passing. For too long, abortion has been a contentious and ultimately divisive debate between simplified and polarizing positions of “life” and “choice.” A far better approach is to advance a common ground dialogue with both sides that results in real solutions.
Federal funding of abortions is prohibited by current law, and that prohibition should be maintained. Any final legislation should make clear that no private insurance company will be mandated to pay for an abortion, nor should they be prohibited from paying for an abortion. These provisions would maintain the current status quo, and demonstrate how sensible common ground can bring people together.
On the issue of abortion itself, Rep. Rosa DeLauro and Tim Ryan’s “Preventing Unintended Pregnancies, Reducing the Need for Abortion and Supporting Parents Act” addresses both how best to prevent unwanted pregnancies and support pregnant women who desire to carry their baby to term. It also makes adoption easier. The bill demonstrates how searching for common ground can lead to higher ground, in ways that both sides of the debate can embrace without compromising their core principles.. It could lead to genuine progress in reducing the number of abortions and improving the quality of life for women and children --all by addressing the real issues that often lead to abortion. Abortion is legal in the United States, and although Americans are divided on its moral status, most feel the tragedy of abortion and believe that we currently have far too many for a healthy society.
Tim Ryan and Rosa DeLauro are wise public servants who are trying to unite us around the new common ground of abortion reduction, one that people on both sides of the debate can agree to. Helping young people to delay sexual activity, preventing the pregnancies that people don't want, economically supporting low-income women to give them a real choice about having a child, and encouraging adoption will all work to reduce abortion in America; and who could be against any of that?
We have a great opportunity to advance our shared values and common goals at a crucial moment in our country’s history. Sojourners and I strongly support this good and wise piece of legislation and applaud the creative solutions it offers for real action.
The purpose of the Church...
"The purpose of the church is not to be socially agreeable; it is to speak robustly to the state on behalf of those who cannot speak effectively for themselves."- Kevin Rudd, Australian Prime Minister, http://blog.sojo.net/2009/07/15/a-prime-ministers-conscience-is-pricked/
The Australian Prime Minister states so clearly what I feel many of us today simply just don’t get. As the Church, Christ commands us to "love our neighbors as ourselves." That is His greatest commandment, after loving Him first. It's funny that He considers loving others so connected with loving Him that He says the two in the same breath, yet the Church today seems bent on focusing so much on the first command but not the second. Why is the Church today so concerned with our personal salvation, personal well-being, personal image, when what Christ actually commands throughout Scripture is to be concerned with OTHERS? His Gospel is one of such selfless, saving love that, when truly known, can not help but pour out of us to others. Jesus actually goes so far as to say that if our faith isn’t outward focused, then we don't truly know His Gospel (Matthew 25:31-46). If we know Him, we will plead the cause of the afflicted and needy (Jeremiah 22:15-16). We will feed His sheep (John 21:15-16). We will help our brothers and sisters in need (1 John 3:16-18). We will spread His Gospel to all people (Matthew 28:18). His love brings us salvation and, living in that love, we will bring salvation as well.
His love transforms us to be more like Him, so that we begin to truly be able to love God and then others more than ourselves. As we die to ourselves more and more everyday and grow in Christ, we begin to see more of His vision of selfless faith. As our minds are renewed in His Spirit, the connection between His love for us and our love for others strengthens. When we become more like Him, His love in us increases to naturally love others like He loves them. We realize that our faith is anything but just about us. We are called to be transformed into Christ - which means we are called to hurt like He hurts, to feel compassion like He feels compassion, and to actively love others out of God’s great love in us (Romans 12:2).
Like Christ, we are called to be a voice where no one else will. In Christ, we see how to be this voice: “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8). We see how we are to "learn to do right" by seeking justice, encouraging the oppressed, defend the cause of the fatherless, and pleading the case of the widow (Isaiah 1:17).
As theologian Carl F.H. Henry said, "If the church preaches only divine forgiveness and does not affirm justice, she implies that God treats immorality and sin lightly. If the church proclaims only justice, we shall all die in unforgiving sin and without the Spirit's empowerment for righteousness. We should be equally troubled that we lag in championing justice and in fulfilling our evangelistic mandate."
Being a follower of Christ means loving Him AND loving others. He has saved us by His amazing grace, and the selfless love that led Him to give up His life for us now fills us and enables us to do the same for our brothers and sisters. When asked why we should care about what the government does, what happens to people in other countries, about the homeless man on the street, etc, we should without hesitation respond "Because God loves me." If we believe in the love of God, then that love should lead us to love others. “We love because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:19) Through His Spirit in us, we can love our brothers - it is not the whole Gospel of Christ if we don’t. (1 John 3:17) Christ has given us salvation, and He has given us His Holy Spirit so that we may bring this salvation - His love and justice - to others. THIS is the Gospel. He calls us to be a part of His redemptive work. So let’s BE the Body of Christ and live in this selfless love.
The Australian Prime Minister states so clearly what I feel many of us today simply just don’t get. As the Church, Christ commands us to "love our neighbors as ourselves." That is His greatest commandment, after loving Him first. It's funny that He considers loving others so connected with loving Him that He says the two in the same breath, yet the Church today seems bent on focusing so much on the first command but not the second. Why is the Church today so concerned with our personal salvation, personal well-being, personal image, when what Christ actually commands throughout Scripture is to be concerned with OTHERS? His Gospel is one of such selfless, saving love that, when truly known, can not help but pour out of us to others. Jesus actually goes so far as to say that if our faith isn’t outward focused, then we don't truly know His Gospel (Matthew 25:31-46). If we know Him, we will plead the cause of the afflicted and needy (Jeremiah 22:15-16). We will feed His sheep (John 21:15-16). We will help our brothers and sisters in need (1 John 3:16-18). We will spread His Gospel to all people (Matthew 28:18). His love brings us salvation and, living in that love, we will bring salvation as well.
His love transforms us to be more like Him, so that we begin to truly be able to love God and then others more than ourselves. As we die to ourselves more and more everyday and grow in Christ, we begin to see more of His vision of selfless faith. As our minds are renewed in His Spirit, the connection between His love for us and our love for others strengthens. When we become more like Him, His love in us increases to naturally love others like He loves them. We realize that our faith is anything but just about us. We are called to be transformed into Christ - which means we are called to hurt like He hurts, to feel compassion like He feels compassion, and to actively love others out of God’s great love in us (Romans 12:2).
Like Christ, we are called to be a voice where no one else will. In Christ, we see how to be this voice: “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8). We see how we are to "learn to do right" by seeking justice, encouraging the oppressed, defend the cause of the fatherless, and pleading the case of the widow (Isaiah 1:17).
As theologian Carl F.H. Henry said, "If the church preaches only divine forgiveness and does not affirm justice, she implies that God treats immorality and sin lightly. If the church proclaims only justice, we shall all die in unforgiving sin and without the Spirit's empowerment for righteousness. We should be equally troubled that we lag in championing justice and in fulfilling our evangelistic mandate."
Being a follower of Christ means loving Him AND loving others. He has saved us by His amazing grace, and the selfless love that led Him to give up His life for us now fills us and enables us to do the same for our brothers and sisters. When asked why we should care about what the government does, what happens to people in other countries, about the homeless man on the street, etc, we should without hesitation respond "Because God loves me." If we believe in the love of God, then that love should lead us to love others. “We love because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:19) Through His Spirit in us, we can love our brothers - it is not the whole Gospel of Christ if we don’t. (1 John 3:17) Christ has given us salvation, and He has given us His Holy Spirit so that we may bring this salvation - His love and justice - to others. THIS is the Gospel. He calls us to be a part of His redemptive work. So let’s BE the Body of Christ and live in this selfless love.
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