This, this is the year
of lightning and thunder and
the year of the whispered truth that comes
after the Glory
this is the year
of Beauty and Fire
being carried on wings of iron, from
deep to deep
this is the year
to listen
to ponder deep in our hearts
the dreams that pour out of His eyes
this is the year
to be brought into His story
and out of ours
to have eyes opened
to the burning of the stars
to the depth of time and space and
the smallness of our part
and in this
we rejoice
this is the year of Joy
seeing Him more fully
and understanding, just a little more:
our small place
but our place
in His redemption story
this is the year of Peace
feet firmly planted in line with my Maker
following the likes of those ancient saints
names we all know, who long ago
learned to listen in wonder
but also
we follow those whose names will disappear
with ash and dust
never known by the likes of us, but who will see
face to face
known fully and dwelling in the shadows of His glory
because of lives faithfully given to His greater story
this is the year to learn, from their
not caring if my name is repeated through the ages
caring only for more of the One who loves
this, this is the year to be held in perfect peace
my mind, stayed on Him
this is the year to dwell in the Rock that is higher than I
and when He leads, with eyes flashing fire
to move