Something needs to change. That is clear. There is so much that is simply just not right in this world. I’m not stupid – I know that as long as this world exists there will always be evil and pain and wrong. But I also believe in the existence of GOOD. I believe that as people become aware of these evils and the good that can exist in the world with even just a little bit of effort from us, they will choose to pursue this good.
Right now I hear a lot of complaining from people, including myself, about the presidential candidates. There is not one that I completely agree with and can throw my support behind, and I know there are a lot of other people that feel the same way. I am convinced that the lack of good candidates is because there is a lack of people desiring the GOOD speaking out. Before we have a president that is going to truly represent our interests and bring change to the obvious injustice and wrong in this country and world, there need to be people that demand this change. There need to be people that demand a MOVEMENT.
If we don’t speak, who will? This country will continue to decline and the wrong will rule. I am not talking about a certain party or a certain person or a certain denomination being right. I am not speaking on behalf of a certain political party or ideology. I am speaking on behalf of Truth. This country has been so successful in its 300 years of existence because it is founded on fundamental principles that all human beings believe in. Principles that people crave, that people need, to survive. Freedom, justice, liberty – the Framers understood that the key to a country’s survival was not a particular leader or location or amount of wealth, but these principles that our human nature craves and thirsts for. No matter your belief system or fundamental values, everyone desires freedom, justice, and liberty on a basic, carnal level. We were born with a hole in us that only these things can fill. The farther our country moves from these principles, the more our country will flounder, the more people will suffer, and the farther we will be from the nation the Founders believed in and gave their lives for.
I am not writing to say that we need religion in government, that we are a godless nation and we need to Bible-thump and force religion on everyone. Also necessary for our country to survive is a separation of church and state. But church and God are not one and the same. We need God in this country. The Founders knew that, and along with the separation clause they included the Establishment clause – they wanted God to be a part of America, to be protected in America, because they knew God was essential to the survival and the success of our country. And God is essential because at His core, God IS freedom, justice, liberty, equality, peace…..God is all the things we desire most, we crave most. When we push God away, we push these principles away. Separate religion from our government, from our policy decisions, from foreign affairs. Separate the religious institution from the governmental institution. Don’t separate God from this country. Religion brings problems, not God. What bad can come from keeping Him in this world? He is essential. We have justice peace, freedom….all in its purest form. Why do Communist governments always ultimately fail? Because it is a godless government. A government without God is a government without freedom, without liberty, without equality. This is who God is. If the government does not allow freedom to worship God, they probably don’t allow freedom to do much else.
Our government needs to be reminded of what it was created to be. It was created to protect the right of God to be in this country, to in essence protect our right to be FREE. Today we are so far from the original vision. Looking at the candidates for my possible future president, I don’t see one that encapsulates the leader our country needs: one that pursues peace, stands for freedom, works for the abolition of injustice. But why would there be this type of leader if the people don’t demand it? In a democracy, the people decide who lead them. Now the people need to step up and demand what is GOOD. We need to forge something new, not a Republican or a Democrat but something different, something that pursues what is RIGHT without having to fit a certain mold to get anything done. God needs to be allowed in this country. Because everything that is RIGHT is from God. Lets not be Republican or conservative or liberal or whatever, but something new, something that pursues only what is truly GOOD. Not religion or a Christian government. But God. Because with God comes all that we stand for as a country, all that we inherently desire as human beings. With God comes nothing but the GOOD: freedom, justice, peace…..there must be a movement. This needs to be what our country is about again, because it is not what we are all about now. But for our country to be about it, the people need to be about it. So let’s start a movement toward it. There MUST be a change.
1 comment:
So good. the thing that is hard about making God central in our nation again is that Satan hates it and does everything he can to get Him out from the inside, with people taking "separation of church and state" way too far, the media in general, and with Godless churches and "christians" that simply don't care. Yes, people have a built in desire for freedom and justice, but we are also naturally extremely selfish, prideful, and lazy. When you try to put these things together, it is usually the selfish pride and laziness that wins over freedom and justice... and truth. So? Pray AND Act. We can't change the fact that Satan is the ruler of this world, but there are things we CAN change and things that we should at least be trying to change.
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