Monday, May 17, 2010

Believing in God's amazing grace

Why don't we live in the GRACE of Christ in our everyday lives? I think it's because the more we have, the easier it is to rely on those things - those material things that we can see and touch, rather than on the supernatural POWER of God that IS our's in Christ. God has promised that in Christ He will do more than we can ever ask or why don't we ask?! We fall back on the money we have, on the material provisions we use every day, on the things we can see with our eyes that provide for us. We assume that there is no way to help that person, do that ministry, change hat situation, etc if there is no way that my material possessions will stretch that far. But God has promised us that in His grace, He can do so much more than the material world around us would allow. We need to live every day not based on what "practically" I can do, or what the world tells me is smart or wise, but on what the grace of GOD can do. What if we all lived like we really believed that living out the love of Christ could change things? What if I really believed that God will do more than I could ever do within my own abilities if I would just ask and believe? Christ's love is so powerful and so different - it changed the lives of all those He interacted with. What if we prayed to live in love like that, and then really lived that out? God's amazing love and supernatural grace can do more than we ever could with our finite abilities - we need to rely on those less, and on the POWER that comes with knowing and living in Christ. If it seems we don't have the money, the means, or the abilities to do what God has called us to do, then that doesn't mean He hasn't called us to do those things or to live the way He has told us to live - it just means we are called to believe in the supernatural grace and means of GOD more and our own practical means less. We live in an environment where we are able to rely on our practical means daily to survive - but we have been blessed to live in this environment not so that we would rely on it above God, but so that God can use these blessings through us to bless others and impact this world. We are called to give them up to Him so that He might use them in His amazing grace to do more than we could ever imagine - we are NOT called to replace God with them and rely on them to do God's work.

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