Friday, October 25, 2013

A very clear WRONG

While I do not agree with my brother Shane in all areas, I could not agree more with his words here. 

We should "refuse to settle for the country as it is and insist on dreaming of the country as it could be." Especially as God's people, called to "seek the welfare of the city into which He has placed us" (Jer. 29:7), we should join together and help change the unjust, illogical presence of and culture around guns in our country.

 I truly believe Christ desires to use our nation and all the blessings He has given us for His good purposes - and this reality is not a part of that vision. We are called to something better:

"The more I travel the world I am convinced it’s not the way the world is… it’s the way the U.S. is. ...In one year, guns murdered: 27 in Australia, 59 in England and Wales, 60 in Spain, 190 in Canada … and 10,177 in the U.S."

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