He lives his life on his knees
I love this beautifully written blog from Ann Voskamp. It reminded me of my parents' relationship, especially my dad's example of this kind of true romance. He is a hero. I'm so thankful he showed me
what it looks like for a husband to be a REAL romantic: to purposefully
"die to himself a bit more everyday"
for his spouse. He may not have gotten down on one knee when he proposed (he definitely didn't),
but he "lives his life on his knees."
It is my dad's example that caused me to have such high standards, for which I am so thankful. And in his kindness God led me to a man who has already met all these standards - my husband is far from perfect, but proves himself everyday to be more and more of a true romantic: he is a man
who goes to great lengths to guard his eyes from anyone but me, who purposes every day to lay
down his life for me. And although he also did an amazing job on the
proposal :) I'm more thankful that he pursues the TRUE romance Ann describes so well in her blog:
"...how a man proposes isn't what makes him romantic. It's how a man
purposes to lay down his life that makes him romantic...It's not about
how well you perform your proposal. It's about how well you let Christ
perform your life."
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