Thursday, July 7, 2016

What can we do NOW to bring about change for our African-American brothers and sisters?

I was on a very powerful call earlier today, organized by several faith and community leaders from all over the country. We lamented, prayed, and discussed very practical action steps we can ALL take NOW to actually bring about change in our country. As someone said on the call: Those who are satisfied w/ the status quo want us to think we are powerless. We're not. We live in a country where we DO have a voice, and things change when we SPEAK UP. So if you, like me, want to see our country become truly more just and equal, here are 3 very practical things you can do now:

Step 1: Visit and find out who you are represented by in your state legislature.
Step 2: Call/email your State Senator and State Rep. and tell them police brutality and racism in law enforcement are voting issues for you, and you expect them to hold hearings on legislation and hold votes to address these issues.
Step 3: Tweet and post that you made these calls, using ‪#‎SolidarityIsPower‬, and encourage those who follow you to do the same.

And, if you aren't sure what to say when you call your state reps, here are 3 very needed things you can suggest (demand) for our law enforcement: 1) Wholesale shift to non-lethal force, 2) Every officer trained on understanding and reducing own bias, 3) A National Policy Summit convened by Department of Justice for Police Chiefs from every major city around these issues.

Finally, check out Campaign Zero for more policy suggestions - all SO needed. Feel free to mention as many as you want to your legislators...

Let's march with Christ for justice. On the front lines. Boldly. Now. When I stand before him someday, I want to be able to say I was with him the whole way.

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