Disclaimer: Long post, but as I'm cautious about what I post on social media, this will be one of the few very detailed theological and political things I'm going to be posting this election season. So maybe read it in a few sittings if you're interested ;)
First: I try to be very intentional about what I post on social media. My purpose as a follower of Christ is not to advocate for a certain political party, or promote my biases or personal opinions on an issue...my purpose first and foremost is to show Christ to this world. And I see social media as a wonderful platform we've been given to do that - as well as a platform to encourage and challenge the Church to be more the Church we were created to be. I strive to not post anything (serious) unless it does those two things.
I am not a Republican or Democrat, a "conservative" or "liberal." I am a follower of Christ first and foremost, and all my politics fall in line behind that. Dear friends of mine who are Christians thoughtfully and prayerfully think through the same things I do and arrive at different places - and that's fine. :)
As long as we are truly THINKING and PRAYING....it is so crucial that we are being faithful to the call Christ has given us to be salt and light in this world, to further his redemptive purposes, to bring more of His Kingdom to this earth. It is SO CRUCIAL that we are not dismissive of current events or politics, but that we intentionally and prayerfully engage. Being engaged in public life and policy is an important part of our call as Christians - these are crucial areas where our voices are needed to reflect Christ's heart, to further his purposes and priorities of love and life and justice.
All this to say: friends, we need to care what is going on in our world today, including our upcoming election. Our faith and hope is not in this world, certainly not, but while we are still on this earth our calling is to daily strive to be like Christ, joining with him in his work and furthering his purposes in the world around us. We are called to be like him, to be his voice, his representatives where we are. This is a serious calling, not one to take lightly. We are not to simply espouse the political opinions that make us most comfortable or that sound the most right to us as middle-class Americans (or upper or lower class). We are not to take sides or vote a certain way based off our parents or friends or a party that we have always identified with. We are not to let certain personality leanings or biases or prejudices or insecurities or fears.....ANYTHING, determine who we are and the opinions that follow, other than our identity as Christ-followers. That identity is first, and everything else falls in line behind. Every opinion, everything we post, how we vote, etc, should be determined by that. So let's make sure we are being thoughtful of this very serious, very holy calling Christ has given us, and that everything we say and do comes out of an awareness of this calling.
This is something I am constantly praying about for myself....I in no way live this out every day! But as I'm striving to follow Christ as best I can, I thought I'd share my journey with you all as well :)
Finally: I'm sharing the below link because it falls under what I've mentioned above. I'm careful not to say that a certain candidate is the "Christian" one, "chosen" by Jesus (because I don't think that's ever biblical to do that). But through a lot of prayer and thought and reading and talking with wise people, I feel very strongly that we must NOT vote for Trump. This will (hopefully) be the only time I feel compelled to come out so strongly against a candidate. This man's character, his policies, everything is so opposite of who Jesus is and what he calls us to do in this world...I believe it is a justice issue to vote against Trump. The work Christ has called us to as believers would be seriously hampered if this man were president. He would hurt the very people we are called to protect. He would significantly hamper our ability to do the work Christ has called us to do.He would continue to deceive a lot of people, and continue to smear the image of my Christ and what the Church is supposed to be by claiming to be a Christian himself.
So please see the below link in context of everything I've already said here - under normal circumstances, as a Christian I would never endorse, or tell anyone to vote against, a specific candidate. But these are not normal circumstances. I am posting this thoughtfully after much prayer, as a Christ-follower, not as a liberal or progressive. Please join me in prayerfully and thoughtfully thinking through our role as believers in sharing the love of Christ with this world, furthering his work of redemption and justice - and what a vote for Trump means in relation to that call.
For those reading this who are not followers of Christ: please know that the god Trump claims to follow is not my God. It is not the true Christ. Know that there are many Christians who separate themselves from Trump and are working hard to make sure he is not elected, and that his voice is not seen as the representative for our Savior's. If anyone wants to talk more about what I posted here, what some of this Christian-ese language means, and who Jesus really is, please let me know. I would love to talk.
For those who are Christians and voting for Trump: please know I am not saying any of this out of a mean spirit...and ultimately if you feel God leading you to vote for Trump, though I strongly disagree, my voice does not "trump" that. ;) I feel so strongly that we need to understand why so many of our friends and neighbors are voting for Trump, talking lovingly and with grace, and move forward from this election year with a better understanding of each other and how we can change things for the better in our country. My request is just that before you vote for Trump, you would have thoughtfully and prayerfully researched and examined who he is, his policies, his history, and his plans for the future, and how that coincides with our calling as Christians.
Finally, I for sure have some thoughts on alternatives to Trump. Hit me up if you'd like my thoughts - this post is already long enough!
Even more finally: if Trump does win this November...the world will not end (I don't think ;) I'm not posting this post to be apocalyptic or dramatic. Christ's power is stronger than any elected official, and God will accomplish his purposes, whoever is in office. I think things would look very different, would be harder...BUT, "in Him all things hold together." God will still move. My prayer - whatever the outcome of the election - is that God uses this time to bring people to himself, and also causes needed shifts and refinement in his Church, so that we more closely resemble him.
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