As I was watching the Giants with my husband a few days ago (*cough, trying to care about the game) thought I'd take this opportunity to post a game day pic and an ADOPTION UPDATE!
First of all: THANK YOU. We truly can't say it emphatically enough. In just a couple months, we have raised HALF of the total we need - which is amazing. Thank you for the ways you've all supported us financially, emotionally, spiritually....we are so, so grateful. As we've mentioned before, we always knew we would have to fundraise some of the money for our adoption, because adoption is infuriatingly expensive (another post for another time...), but since this adoption has happened SO much quicker than we were expecting, and since it's out of state, through a smaller agency, etc, we are having to fundraise A LOT more money than we were planning. And even though we truly believe this child is meant to be ours and believe at a deep level that God will provide, there are many days it's been easy to doubt that - so truly, your support and encouragement is what has re-affirmed our calling many days.
Currently, we are continuing to raise the remaining funds, and are just praying for our little boy. We know from our agency that birth mom is going to her doctor's appointments but, as is the norm with adoption, we don't know many more details beyond that. So we are praying daily for her health and commitment to doing what is best for her baby, thanking God for her selfless heart, and praying that our little boy would KNOW how loved and cared for he is, even now. In a situation where there are so many unknowns and so much outside our control, we are constantly thankful for the truth that we serve a God who does "more than we could ask or imagine", who sets the stars in place and overthrows kingdoms and fiercely fights for the vulnerable and fatherless. This is the same God we follow, who we know will move mountains to place our baby with us. Nothing will stand in his way. All he asks of us is to TRUST him, to give up our fears and anxiety and control and rest in the knowledge of his power working through us and around us. So we're seeking daily to remind ourselves of this -some days more successfully than others!
So right now, we know we'll be flying down to Florida to pick up our boy when he is born sometime mid-Jan. Until then, please join us in continuing to pray that all the logistical and financial details would fall into place, for our son, for birth mom, and for God's great love to be seen through it all.
Also: we have about $2,000 left that we need to get to our agency ASAP, for birthmother healthcare fees. This is the LAST urgent payment we have - the remaining fees aren't due until we bring our baby home in January, and are confident we'll be able to raise most of that through grants (which we'll be able to apply for as soon as our homestudy is done in a couple weeks). SO - if you'd like to share our fundraising link with your networks and helps us get this remaining $2k raised, that would be awesome. And as always, please let us know if anyone has any questions about the adoption process, more specifics about where this money is going, etc.
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