Though I don't care a ton about football, I am attempting to be excited with my husband for the first Broncos game tonight
;) It also reminded me of something I was thinking about posting...I don't have strong opinions on Kapernick and his decision not to stand for the national anthem, but after thinking and praying through some things, thought I'd just share the below 2 thoughts:

- #Blacklivesmatter and racial injustice are crucial matters that we need to be talking about, and though I wouldn't personally choose to draw attention to these things through sitting during the national anthem, Kapernick has every right to. We are truly, incredibly blessed to live in a country where he can show his disagreement in such a way. It is for this very freedom that our veterans fought, and I think most would agree that this is Kapernick's right, and the beauty of our country (and many have come out publicly in support of his actions). And it is your right to disagree with him - but before we burn jerseys and spend hours of our day being angry with him instead of productive at work or whatever, I would personally say we should spend more time focusing on how blessed we are to have the freedom we have, and then move on to other things (like possibly the issue I'm about to mention):
- Second, as my friend Kerry said: "...people freak out about one guy making a political protest by sitting during the national anthem, while a giant bill that would have provided multiple services for actual veterans was defeated. This, to me, is ACTUAL disrespect for our troops. The hell advocates had to go through to get legislation passed to care for 9/11 first responders is ACTUAL disrespect for our police, fire and EMS. No one's actual life was affected by Colin's actions. But millions of lives are affected by our government's unwillingness to put their money where their hypocritical mouths are. Stop with the open letters and burning of jerseys and ask yourself- what are YOU doing to support our troops, police, EMS, if it matters so much to you? How about writing a letter to your senator demanding an answer as to why they couldn't figure out how to get the below bill passed?" AMEN. As a follower of Christ before an American, I believe I'm called to be angrier about this - and ACT on behalf of our vulnerable veterans - than about Kapernick and sitting down.
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