People weren't made to become hashtags.
A few years down the road, Terence Crutcher could be my son - driving home or to work. My heart mourns today as deeply ingrained fear and prejudice cause another innocent life to be taken. My heart breaks and fears for my son and all those I love whose lives are more at risk simply because of the color of their skin.
BUT - "in Him, all things hold together." We can ALWAYS hope. No matter how dark, how broken, how hopeless things seem, the powerful, reconciling love of Christ is stronger than any prejudice or fear, and He is at work in us and through us even now - working to bring Light into darkness.
My prayer is that we would not ignore the brokennsess around us, but RESPOND by bringing Christ's reconciling love and deep hope into it. That we would work for change, for reform, knowing that this is exactly what Christ calls us to do - to bring healing where there is brokenness, hope where there is fear, reconciliation where there is division. My prayer is that we would be thankful for the good things in our country while working to change the bad, always hoping, living in the power of Christ that can do "more than we could ever ask or imagine." I hope and BELIEVE that by the time my son is old enough to drive home from school or work, he won't have any more reason to fear than his white friends.
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