Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Living Simply, Living Beautifully

In thinking and praying about what I'd like my life to look like in 2012, I've realized that I want it to look more simple. And more beautiful.

These are things I naturally struggle with. I struggle to live simply with my physical possessions, to live simply with my time and money, and to live simply mentally. I want to live with my mind constantly on things above, on Christ and Him crucified, as Paul said. As I do that more, I know the things I spend my money on, how busy I am, and how much I stress and overanalyze, will begin to decrease more and more. My life will look, and will be, more simple. Thinking more of Christ and less of myself will allow me to truly know more of Him, what He desires for this world, and for my life. I’ll be able to prioritize easier, make decisions easier, and over-analyze everything less. I strive to know more of Christ, and therefore live more simply this year.

I also strive to live more beautifully. Everything that is of God is beautiful. So do I reflect that beauty in every area of my life? Do I live beautifully? Does His love break through me in my love for others, and is His glory, His beautiful, incomparable holiness, reflected in every decision I make, every part of my lifestyle? He is BEAUTIFUL. He radiates. He is the sun and every color, He is magical and exciting and produces greater awe than the most majestic sight we've seen on this earth. Do I reflect that in my life? Do people look at me and see little flashes of the beauty of Christ? Am I a "poor reflection as in a mirror"?

This year I strive to live more in His Presence, so that His beauty and His Truth manifests itself more in me and brings others to see more of Him.

"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."
-1 Corinthians 13:12

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