Thursday, September 8, 2016

It's a boy!!

"Let him sleep, for when he wakes, he will move mountains."

You can't read it, but that's what our little onesie says- because we found out our baby is a BOY! We are so, so excited- we can't wait to meet our son, to hold him and care for him and let him know how incredibly loved he is by us, and by his Maker. To let him know that God created him specifically with us in mind - that we are so humbled God chose US for him.

Please join us in continuing to pray for our son- for his health and safety, that even now he would know how loved he is. We already know God has such special plans for his life- that he will move mountains.

If you'd like to get us/our baby something, in lieu of a shower we are asking people to contribute to our adoption fundraiser instead. And of course, you can read more about our story on the site as well!

Thank you all for your love and prayers as we continue on this journey!

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