Thursday, January 3, 2008


There is a time in everyone’s life where they are hit with the realization that they are made for more. There is a bigger purpose. No matter how fleeting or in what form, people understand that there is MORE. There is an ultimate TRUTH in this universe that goes deeper than ourselves. Maybe something in you burns when you hear of an innocent girl abused or millions of people killed because of the color of their skin or a father abusing his children. Something in you shouts. It’s like you can feel your soul.

That’s because there is more to us than just this. We inherently desire more than the here and now, than the parties or the money or the relationship. We are DEEP. Deep cries out to deep. And you will feel that. A part of you will cry out against injustice, against pain, against evil. A part of you will always demand freedom and liberty and love. That is what we were created for. There is a greater purpose to this world and whether we acknowledge it or not, we feel it. Our human nature is all about control, and this world is the way it is because we try to control it but in the process we destroy it. Instead we need to be the people we were created to be. We need to acknowledge the TRUTH inside of us and let God bring us back to our original form, to the GOOD. I have so often struggled with the question: how do I actually make the world better? How do I actually stop the suffering and make a difference in this horrible place? The answer is actually just to strive to be who the little part of us wants to be. The part of us that cries out, that thinks, My God, there has to be more to life than this. I have to be meant for more than this. We were created to be someone greater, and we will never feel completely right until we acknowledge that disquieting voice in us and allow it to grow. You will worship something and try to fill your life with someone, some hobby, or some random thing until you realize that what you are feeling is a desire to be the person God created you to be.

If we all listened to the Deep crying out in us and called back to it, things would be different. We would be on the way to becoming who we were meant to be. The world would be a more natural place. We would be pursuing justice, peace, and equality. Hate and pain and injustice would fade as we listened to the cry of our hearts and became the people we were created to be. The world would be more RIGHT. This world will never be perfect because we are an imperfect people. But individually we can change things. What would it look like if we lived the lives we are meant to live? We will never be satisfied until we are walking in the way God created us to walk. Simple things of this world can’t satisfy something indescribable inside us not of this world. God is love, peace, justice, freedom. That is WHO HE IS. He is not religion, church buildings, laws. And God created us to be like Him, to carry out His purposes. He created us to live lives that do His work, that bring love, peace, justice, and freedom to this world. That is why we know these things to be good and we desire them. If we actually acknowledged this about ourselves and strived to become this person, we would therefore strive for love, peace, justice, freedom. Individually pursuing these things, we join together to make a whole. Whole nations of people pursuing this equals a world better than this one. If we continue to ignore this voice inside of us, this TRUTH, than we ignore the solution. We ignore what we actually can do.

In Christ, God shows us the life He created us to live. Not a religion to follow but a LIFE. True life. A life dedicated to more, to deep things we feel that lets us know there is a greater purpose to being alive. We can become like Christ. We can know a life better than one we can ever try to create for ourselves. Nothing will still our hearts except for becoming this person in Christ. Because in this person we find who we truly are. And who we are is living God’s purpose, bringing good and truth into the world. God is love and justice and freedom. This is what he made us to pursue. This means just by being who we truly are we are making a difference. If we would only listen to the cry in us and let it change us, we would change the world. Why are we not listening?

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