Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A season of Advent and Brokenness

How can we still have hope with everything going on around us? Here are my reflections on that question, as we grieve over Mike Brown and Eric Garner in this season of Advent:

The link above will take you to Shared Justice, the blog for which I wrote these reflections. Here is the original, extended version of those thoughts, if you prefer that :)

Advent and Brokenness

As a white woman, I have known much privilege. Until the past few years, I never had any reason to doubt the functionality of our justice system or the reliability of law enforcement. I had no reason to doubt that our system works well for most people – because it has worked well for me. I have been, and still am to a large extent, largely ignorant of my own white privilege.

But thankfully, over the past few years, God has led me to relationships that have begun to open my eyes. I now have dear friends who are black.  My husband and I mentor a 12-year old black boy, whom we love as if he was our own flesh and blood. My husband cares deeply for his hundreds of former black students. We both interact with black people daily who we know and respect. We were close to fostering a young black boy this year, whom we also love deeply. We know there is a good chance we might one day adopt a black child.

Having these relationships – having my heart moved – has opened my eyes. Let me be clear: I love my country. I have no doubt in my mind about how blessed I am to live here. I know many, many law enforcement officers, judges, and regular old civilians like myself who seek what is RIGHT with all their might everyday. I know our system functions well much of the time.

But I also have seen firsthand the ways it fails. Without a doubt, there is systemic injustice that exits in our systems – and our culture. We cannot be afraid to acknowledge this. We cannot be ignorant of the fact that white privilege exists, and that it prevents many of us from seeing the depth of the injustice that exists around us. It doesn’t mean our entire country is flawed, but if we do not recognize that our system is imperfect – it was imperfect when it was established and it is imperfect today – our country WILL fall apart. If we allow injustice to exist, it will only increase. It is time to recognize the glaring evils that we have allowed to survive, and demand change where it is so desperately needed:

When the vast majority of our failing schools are filled with minority children, something needs to change. When nearly 80% of black children cannot read at grade level by 8th grade, something is wrong. When nearly half of all black children under age five are living in poverty, something is wrong. When a black man is choked to death by a police officer on video and that officer is not indicted for murder, something is very wrong.

There are a lot of reasons why these inequalities and injustices exist, and not enough space to delve into them all here. But the reality is that they do exist - and we all play a part in allowing it. We cannot be afraid to admit this. We need to let go of our own cultural perceptions and biases. We need to not let ideals based on our own comfort rule us. We need to get outside ourselves. We need to do what it takes to make sure inequality does not exist, as much as it depends on us. Let’s be involved in our schools, our communities. Let’s have relationships with those who are different from us. Let’s love our neighbors – all of them – as ourselves. We need to listen. Let’s feel what our brothers and sisters feel.

This is what Christ commands of us. As his followers, we are called to be the first ones bringing injustice to light. We are called to lead the way in naming and destroying anything that is not what God intended. In Christ, we are all equal and if one of us is suffering, we all suffer. We cannot be silent. We cannot allow defensiveness or anger to rule us, but rather compassion and humility as we seek change:

Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all. Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience…” (Colossians 3:11-12)

We cannot fight anger and injustice with more anger and injustice. We must reflect Christ’s perfect way – listening in humility, recognizing where we’ve been wrong in meekness, being patient with those who are angry or hard.

But while Christ was humble and meek, he was not silent. He was not afraid. He was bold. He blazed with zeal and passion, and burned with anger when he saw wrong. He did not, and does not, tolerate the mistreatment of ANY person made in His image. So we should not either.

What lights Christ on fire and makes him upend tables in the temple should cause us to do the same. Watching in silence when injustice is active around us the same as if we were doing it ourselves. Christ makes it very clear: we are not to tolerate sin. And the fact that in our country today the majority of our failing schools are filled with minority children who are pushed through a system in which they are destined to fail – this is sin. Because ALL are made in God’s image. Though we might not be physically pushing children into the “school-to-prison pipeline,” though we might not be one of the officers murdering an unarmed man, though we might not be one of the citizens who has actively racist thoughts – if we do not ACT to change these realities, we are allowing people made in God’s image to suffer injustice. And we are sinning.

“We do the Light a disservice when we underestimate the darkness. Jesus entered a world plagued not only by the darkness of individual pain and sin, but also by the darkness of systemic oppression.” (Christena Cleveland)

God saved us so that we might love and glorify him forever – and that includes eternal life. But Christ also saved us so that we can follow his example. So that we can step into the deep, systemic darkness around us and bring Light. We must acknowledge the darkness around us, so that we can bring the full power of the Light. God calls us to love and glorify him now through joining him in his larger redemption plan, which includes this world as well as heaven. We are saved that we might be who he created us to be and join him in the work he created us to do. Until we recognize this, we are not living in the full purpose he has for us.

This purpose includes living with a “holy discontent” – a burning in our hearts because we have a vision from Christ that there is something BETTER he desires for us and our world. A holy discontent that causes us to look at our cities and weep when we see pain or injustice, as Christ did when he looked over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41). We are called to feel the pain of ANY of our brothers and sisters who are suffering, who are living under ANY type of injustice. We are called to feel sickened, to weep, to fight, as Christ did. Christ’s love and compassion were so deep, his bravery and boldness so strong, that he walked to the cross. Let us be like Christ. Let us love with compassion, and let us fight with humility and steadfastness. Let us weep with those who weep, let us touch those who are hurting, let us listen to those who are grieving, let us upend tables in places of hypocrisy and speak boldly in the face of evil. Let us be willing to walk to the cross for our brothers and sisters.

“A scared world needs a fearless church.” (A.W. Tozer) In this time of Advent especially, we are called to show the world that Christ has come near. Immanuel, “God with us,” has saved us and shows us a new Way. Advent reminds us that one day he will return again, once and for all, and will make all things new. There will be no more prejudice or murder. But until then, we are to be his hands and feet, a foretelling of this reality, furthering His vision of renewal as much as we can while we are on this earth. In this time of Advent, we can show the world a glimpse of heaven - a glimpse of true peace and justice. We can bring Light into the darkness.

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” - Isaiah 9:2

I grieve for Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and so many others. I grieve for the deep wrongs that exist in our country. But I believe, and am thankful, that right now during Advent the Church is poised to step out and lead in a clear way. We are poised to bring the Light, to bring Christ’s message of redemption and reconciliation, to proclaim that He has come and is coming again. So let’s do it.

Friends, let’s FIGHT. Not with weapons, but with our prayers and words and lifestyles. Let’s move, let’s be brave, let’s destroy injustice. Christ will return someday, and he will make all things right. Let’s be on His side when we see him face to face. Let’s join Him NOW, furthering His purposes on this earth, pointing to his healing grace. Let’s fight with all our hearts, using all the power and authority He has given us to make sure all people are treated justly and all people have the chance to live the full lives God desires for them. Let’s fight to make this world a little more the way God intended it. Let’s show this world a glimpse of what it will look like when Christ comes with fire and glory and completes his good work, destroying injustice and inequality once and for all.

“And he who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’”

Revelation 21:5

Look around – Aslan is on the move. Let’s join him.

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