Monday, July 27, 2015

Let's make two cities into one

Drove through SE DC on my way down to my parent's house in VA yesterday afternoon with my last load of stuff. We are now on our way to Colorado....but I wanted to pray over this part of my city as I'm driving through it one more time. The "two DCs" that my pastor always talks about are so real and it is heartbreaking to see. And we as the Church cannot be ok with it. Thankful to have been a part of a church community the past five years that talks about this reality and the injustices that exist in our city, and that seeks to change things. Thankful for the example of so many who are breaking barriers and cycles, seeking to make one DC, where all have the same chance and all know about the full life God has for them.

Friends, let's not grow weary in doing this work. As the Church, we are called to lead the way in fighting the evils that keep 50% of the kids in our nation in poverty, that cause so many to live lives of hopelessness. My heart is so burdened for the kids I know personally, and for so many others. In any neighborhood in our country, there are kids lost in cycles of darkness and anger...who do not know the full life God desires for them so they turn to gangs, violence, ISIS....continuing cycles of darkness and anger and poverty and abuse. We must continue to cry out for these kids. Intercede on their behalf. And ACT to show them the hope that exists, the hope for a beautiful life and a glorious future....the hope that they can know their Maker and help change the world. Let's be willing to go out of our comfort zones and know these kids in the "other" parts of our cities. Let's bring them this message of hope. 

I will always be praying for this city that will always have a special place in my heart....and for my friends who are continuing to do amazing work to break down walls and bring more of God's Kingdom to earth. Excited to continue this work in Colorado.

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