Monday, November 7, 2016

So tomorrow - VOTE

So my son will not grow up with a president endorsed by the KKK, so the most vulnerable in our society are not overlooked and threatened, so we have a President that hasn't sexually harassed women and children, so we have someone in the most powerful office in the world who has self-control, so racism and ignorance and cruelty aren't promoted from the highest office in our country.....and for so many other reasons - PLEASE go vote. Please do not sit this one out because of frustration with our system or current choices. Let's do what so many around the world wish they had the opportunity to do: use our voices to help bring about a peaceful transition of power, and then continue to use our voices to push for the change we want to see in our culture and politics. The brokenness and troubling ideologies (extreme individualism, concern for my rights, my comfort, my freedoms, MYSELF, at the expense of connectedness and the welfare of our brothers and sisters, etc) in our political system, our culture, and our churches are so much bigger than just one candidate and one horrendous election. But let's take advantage of the opportunity we have tomorrow to vote, and then continue to use our voices to work for deeper, systemic, lasting change.
So tomorrow- please vote (unless you're like me and already voted!). Not along party lines, not because a certain candidate has made you afraid, or because you've heard them use catch phrases like "pro-life" and "religious liberty." Let's make sure to look at facts, to look at policies and character and track record. We must think through if an email server is as big a deal as having someone in office who brags about sexually harassing women, who mocks anyone different from him, who has pledged to implement policies that would hurt the most vulnerable. We must think through if we want someone leading our country who has filed for bankruptcy multiple times, cheated people out of millions, and avoided basic civic duties for decades.
As followers of Christ especially, we must think deeply about these things. We must vote for the candidate who is actually more pro-life, who will do more to protect ALL life; to help children after they are born as well as prevent unplanned pregnancies and other situations that lead vulnerable women to seek out abortions in the first place. We must vote for the candidate who will prevent issues that lead to poverty and situations that lead to unnecessary bloodshed. As followers of Christ, we must not vote out of a fear of losing our own comforts and privileges, when Christ actually tells us to not be concerned with those things - even to give them up (so I think concerns over religious liberty might actually be the opposite motive for how Christ would wish us to vote). As followers of Christ, we must think deeply and prayerfully about whose policies align more with Kingdom-principles (justice, reconciliation, equality, truth, compassion...), and under which candidate we will better be able to do the work God has called us to do.
(And quickly, if you're thinking of voting 3rd party - that is entirely within your right, and I respect that decision. BUT - if you live in a swing state, it's important to be aware of how 3rd party votes may benefit one of the two major candidates, and the impact that may have on the outcome of the election).
I am purposefully not aligned with any political party - but I'm really passionate about politics, because politics is about doing what's best for PEOPLE. As a follower of Christ, I am commanded to love others, to put others before myself, to further his Kingdom, to act justly and love mercy, to speak to truth to power, to help fix areas of brokenness and expose false ideologies where I see them. For all these reasons, I'm passionate about followers of Christ being involved in politics and in the public sphere, not to further a religious agenda but for the welfare of all. The Gospel of Christ should be the center of every part of our lives, including our political and public lives, and should lead us to speak out against injustice and lies, to work for change and further Gospel-truth and Kingdom-principles of justice, redemption, reconciliation, and compassion.
I'm praying for wisdom for all those heading to the polls. Vote- then join me in praying and acting to move our country forward after this election, getting to know those who are different from us, listening to those who are angry and hurting, addressing the cultural, spiritual and political issues that led to where we are today, and helping show a better Way. Onward and upward, my friends.

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